

  • Kasumigaseki Campus
  • Okinaga Research Institute
  • Department of Global Japanese Studies

Department of Global Japanese Studies 1st Anniversary Kasumigaseki Campus SeminarTerroir cheese as commons in Japan and France and sustainable tourism and regional development

Date and time

April 18, 2023 (Tue) 18:30-21:00


“Terroir products”, which are traditional foods that are characteristic of the region, are associated with the scenery and landscape image of the land. Cheese from the European mountainous regions is an important tourism resource that combines the scenery of dairy farming and food culture, and high value-added cheese is well known and leads to regional development.
Focusing on dairy farming in mountainous areas and sustainable tourism, we will consider the food culture and regional development of both countries through reports and discussions by Japanese and French experts.


Hour Lecture content
18:30 Opening remarks
Hiroko Fujimori (Faculty of Language Studies Department of Global Japanese Studies Studies, Professor of Foreign Studies, Teikyo University)
18:40?19:00 Report 1: "European Terroir and Cheese Strategy" *Consecutive Interpretation
Mr. Philippe Jeannot (Professor, Clermont-Ferrand University of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry)
19:00?19:20 Report 2: Integrating French AOC cheese into INAO: Comparison with wine *Consecutive interpretation
Claire Delfoss (Professor, University of Lyon 2, Director of LER, Department of Rural Studies)
19:20~20:00 Report 3: “Comparison of Japanese and French Rural Tourism Centered on Food Culture”
Mihoko Morisaki (Associate Professor Faculty of Language Studies Department of Global Japanese Studies Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Teikyo University)
20:10~21:00 [Interview] Moderator: Mihoko Morisaki
Topic 1: “The penetration of French cheese in Japan and the current situation of natural cheese in Japan”
Ms. Rumiko Homma (Chairman of Fermier Co., Ltd.)
Topic 2: “Efforts to improve quality in cheese making and coexistence with local communities”
Mr. Shiohisa Yamaguchi (Agricultural management corporation les Noisetiers/Abondance cheese producer and judge)

Detailed information


Kasumigaseki Campus Seminar on the First Anniversary of the Department of Global Japanese Studies
“Terroir cheese as a commons in Japan and France and sustainable tourism and regional development”


Okinaga Research Institute
Co-sponsored Department of Global Japanese Studies Faculty of Language Studies
Grant: International Joint Research Acceleration Fund (Strengthening International Joint Research (A)) 19KK0301

Eligibility Requirements

Anyone can join

Entry fee


Number of applicants

Capacity: 50 people (first-come-first-served basis)

How to apply

  1. Purchase tickets from Peatix (free, Peatix membership registration required)
    Click here to purchase
  2. お電話での申込


Teikyo University Recurrent College Secretariat


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