

  • Social/Community Engagement

July 11, 2024

Teikyo University Recurrent College held a seminar on "The Slowdown of the Chinese Economy and its Impact on the Japanese Economy" at theKasumigaseki Campus

On Thursday, July 4, 2024, the Teikyo University Recurrent College symposium "The Stalling Chinese Economy and its Impact on the Japanese Economy" (sponsored by the Institute for International Trade and Investment) was held at the Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus. This symposium was coordinated by Guo Si-zhi, specially appointed Professor Okinaga Research Institute, and experts on the Chinese economy to convey the latest insights on the outlook for the Chinese economy and its impact on the Japanese economy.
Takahide Kiuchi, Executive Economist at Nomura Research Institute, spoke about the theme of "The Global Economy and the Chinese Economy: How Can China Make Use of Japan's Experience?" in which he discussed the medium-term outlook for the global economy, changes in the power balance between the U.S. and China, the secret behind the strength of the U.S. economy, and whether the Chinese economy will become like Japan.
In his presentation entitled "Characteristics and Problems of Changes in China's Economic Development," Specially Appointed Professor Guo Sizhi presented an overview of the changes in the development of the Chinese economy, its characteristics and factors, and the challenges that need to be overcome in the future.
Professor Tang Cheng of Chuo University's Faculty of Economics gave a lecture titled "China's Expanding Financial Risks - Focusing on the Real Estate Crisis," in which he explained, using detailed data, where China's expanding financial risks lie, why real estate is the greatest financial risk, and how the real estate slump is bringing about financial risks.
Jun Takeda, Chief Economist at Itochu Research Institute, gave a talk entitled "Direct investment in China by Japanese companies and new changes in local Japanese businesses," in which he outlined the impact that the challenges and risks of doing business in China (such as slowing growth, US-China conflict, government control of companies, revised anti-espionage laws, and the Taiwan issue) are having on the overseas business expansion of Japanese companies, and presented specific examples of local Japanese businesses.

The symposium was a great success, with 94 participants, including researchers, experts, and business people, far exceeding the capacity of the venue, and there was lively Q&A and interaction between speakers and participants. Teikyo University Recurrent College will continue to give back the diverse knowledge of Teikyo University to society and provide a place of learning for many people.

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