
Common Education Center
Common Education Center

We are laying the foundation for common education with the pinnacle of fostering global citizens who are active in the value design society.

This center is an independent and exploratory study for students to foster independent global citizens with high ethics and a sense of responsibility, with "Practical learning", "International perspectives" and "Open mindedness", which are the Educational Guidelines of the university. It is an educational support organization to acquire global knowledge and a wide range of education through. To achieve this, the name was changed from "Teikyo University General Education Center" to "Teikyo University Learning and Research Support Center" in 2017, and changed to "Teikyo University Center for General Education" in April 2020. , We are promoting common education with an emphasis on fostering global citizens who are active in the value design society.

About General Education Center

The position of common education in universities differs from university to university. Many universities are competing with the enhancement of specialized education in order to embody the diploma policy. However, in order to improve the quality of specialized education, it is essential to enhance common education. How we perceive common education has changed with the times. Many universities still position it as basic education in specialized education. Common education should foster critical thinking, insight, and compound-eye vision that will be useful to students in society. Common education is a barometer of the quality of university education. With the importance of "global human resources" and "global society" being aroused these days, the question is how to position university education, especially common education. With the goal of fostering global citizens with "knowledge," "inquiry," and "communication skills," this center provides common education aimed at by the university in close cooperation with each faculty and department. .. The activities of this center are not limited to the first year level, but also cover the study and research support of the entire university. In other words, not only the curriculum policy of each faculty and department, but also the diploma policy reflects this philosophy of fostering global citizens.

The introductory education that students learn when advancing from high school to university is a major turning point that influences their motivation to learn later. This center aims to stimulate the potential enjoyment of learning that students have by setting up various forms of "transition of learning" in general education as well as introductory education. Mechanisms for the "transition of learning" from high school to university are inadequate. It's not just that the name changed from student to student. Specifically, it will change from passive learning to proactive and active learning. Through the "comprehensive basic subjects", "language education subjects", and "self-development support subjects" that the center is involved in, we cultivate the fundamental ability and human power that are common to all occupations and specialized fields.

The Center for General Education promotes general education through the development and improvement of subject content, the development of teaching materials, and the proposal of curricula that will contribute to the development of human resources who will play an active role in the value design society of the future.
Universities are also members of society, and it goes without saying that they are affected by medium- to long-term or short-term social changes. With regard to the entire common education system, from basic education at the literacy level to upper-level connected subjects, while considering areas where classes should be improved by incorporating social changes, or areas where conventional educational content should be enhanced, Teikyo University was the result. provide general education in line with the Educational Guidelines of
For example, with the revision of the course of study, programming education was introduced from elementary school, and students who learned the basics of data analysis in high school "Information I" became a compulsory subject. are required to be consistent. In addition, with the advent of a data-driven society that incorporates AI (artificial intelligence) technology and utilizes big data, the development of literacy-level mathematics and data science courses and the provision of learning opportunities to students are urgent issues. Furthermore, if we regard the image of society that we should aim for in the future as a value design society or Society 5.0 society, the introduction of literacy-level intellectual property education as one of the human resources development that can propose new mechanisms is an issue for consideration. While continuing to make steady improvements to existing common education subjects, the center will move forward with the above developments.

History of establishment

The Center was established in 2007 as the Teikyo University Comprehensive Education Center in order to bring together departments that are not classified as specialized education in the university curriculum across faculties and departments, and to substantially examine and improve various educational issues and liberal arts education. was launched. Especially in FD activities, in addition to strong ties with the FD Committee, in order to conduct further FD research and development, we are working with the Teikyo University Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), which was established in 2011. It has evolved into an indispensable presence in the entire university as an organization that takes responsibility.
In 2017, the name was changed to Teikyo University Academic and Research Support Center, and in April 2020, the organization name was changed to "General Education Center". Based on the conventional efforts to improve liberal arts education that emphasizes the development of global citizens, this is a mechanism for human resource development such as AI utilization, including humanities students, and intellectual property utilization, in order to live in a predictable era. This is a change that takes production into consideration.

Organization / Member

The Common Education Center is active in the General Basics Department, Language Education Department (English and Second Foreign Languages), and Information Education Department.

Head of Center
Professor Tomohisa Kimura

Full-time Faculty
Professor Yoshikazu Inoue
Professor Hiroshi Uda
Associate Professor
Associate Professor Makiko Ueoka
Associate Professor Reina Mori
Associate Professor Yukiko Sakai
Senior Assistant Professor Fumio Tsutsui

(As of April 2024)

Research / activities

The Center is working to enhance the common education of the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Language Studies, and Faculty of Education located on the Hachioji Campus. Within this center, we have three departments in charge of general education, language education, and information education, and we are promoting activities related to general education. We are also engaged in activities such as providing actual learning opportunities.

1. Common Education Review Committee

Mainly, we will consider various ways of studying the overall basic subjects such as subject structure, contents, and educational methods, and make concrete proposals. In 2020, we will discuss the direction of subjects that respond to social changes such as data science introduction education assuming liberal arts students, the ideal way of comprehensive basic subjects as universal education, etc., and partially precede the data science education video teaching materials. We are also developing such as. We also considered how to provide common education with an eye on the new normal era as a response to new coronavirus infections.

2. English Education Review Committee

We are involved in the development and implementation of the Placement Test and Achievement Test, measuring the English proficiency of 1st and 2nd grade students so that students can study at the appropriate level. We also produce supplementary vocabulary materials to improve vocabulary.

3. Second Foreign Language Education Review Committee

The Hachioji Campus offers classes in second foreign languages (French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Korean) as language courses for all undergraduate students. This review committee will consider various issues such as what should be the second foreign language education at the university, what should be learned concretely according to each language, and so on. However, I am trying to reflect it in the actual class.

4. Information Education Review Committee

We aim to enhance information literacy education. At the end of each semester, we carry out an effect measurement to measure the degree of achievement of MR (Minimum Requirement), and based on the result, we are trying to improve the syllabus to further improve the educational effect. We are also working on improving MR.

Support for life design exercises

Editing and publishing of the recommended text "How to learn at university" for life design exercises
"How to study at university" is a compulsory subject "Life Design Exercise I / II" on the Hachioji Campus of our university, and is supposed to be a textbook for studying academic skills. Edited by Academic Skills Working Group, Introductory Education Review Committee.
The test version was published in 2013 and has been revised repeatedly, and the third version is currently in use. Until 2017, the booklet was distributed to new students every year, but from 2018, the PDF version is available on the portal site of the Hachioji Campus.

Life Design Exercise Survey of learning conditions and class improvement for those who are retaken
The 2017 SoTL Grant Program of the Center for Higher Education Development has adopted a survey of the actual learning conditions and lesson improvement for those who are eligible to retake the Life Design Exercise. The survey results were published as a bulletin in the "Teikyo University Center for Teaching and Learning Forum" No. 6 (2019) after the SoTL Grant Program Report Meeting, and are published in the Teikyo University Education and Research Repository.

Teikyo University Center for Teaching and Learning Forum No. 6 (2019) | Teikyo University Education and Research Repository

Common education support

  • July-December 2020
    The points to keep in mind regarding copyright law related to education and research activities were serialized 10 times in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
    Under the guidance of PBL, we explain the risks associated with educational practice, such as what to be careful about when conducting learning activities in collaboration with society.
  • October 2020
    I made a video for FD about the lesson practice based on Article 35 of the revised copyright law.
    It can be viewed from the YOUTUBE distribution site of the Center for Higher Education Development (CTL).
  • December 2020
    Regarding the introductory education of intellectual property, we proposed the monthly "Law Plaza December issue" p51-60 (Gyosei Co., Ltd.) including specific teaching materials.


The Teikyo University Center for General Education Journal is published once a year as a forum for presenting the educational and research results of faculty members affiliated with the center. You can view previously published papers from the links below.

Qualified contributors, target fields, and judging rules are as follows.

Qualified contributor

  1. Full-time teachers belonging to the Common Education Center
  2. additional post belonging to the Common Education Center
  3. Those who have been introduced by "1" or "2" and have been approved by the bulletin committee and the Head of Center.
  4. Part-time teachers belonging to the Common Education Center

Target field

  1. Research, research, and practical reports related to general education (liberal arts education) at universities
  2. Research, research notes, book reviews / translations, and reprints related to each faculty member's specialty.

Dissertation review
The publication committee will decide whether or not to accept the paper. The bulletin board members may request the author to correct the content of the paper. Members of the bulletin board can ask the opinions of experts as necessary regarding the acceptance or rejection of papers.