
Educational Goals and Our Three Policies
Educational Purposes and Three Policies

Educational Purposes

The Faculty of Language Studies learns the language to be majored in accordance with the School Philosophy, deepens the understanding of the culture, history, and society of the region where the language is used, and acquires the ability to understand different cultures, which is the basis of global coexistence. The purpose is to foster global citizens who can contribute to the international community.

Three policies of the Faculty of Language Studies

The Faculty of Language Studies aims to foster a global citizen who is suitable for the School Philosophy and Educational Guidelines of "Practical learning, International perspectives and Open mindedness" and can contribute to solving various problems of the international community. A degree is awarded to those who have acquired the following abilities and have completed the prescribed credits.

  1. Has practical language communication skills in multiple languages.
  2. Has practical cross-cultural understanding ability cultivated through cross-cultural contact based on a wide range of knowledge and experience with different cultures.
  3. Based on knowledge of culture, history, and society around the world, has a wide range of education and knowledge to contribute to the international community, and has the ability to utilize it to tackle various issues facing the entire international community and each local community.

In order to acquire the abilities required for conferring a degree, the Faculty of Language Studies organizes the curriculum according to the following policy.

  1. In order to improve the practical language communication skills of the major language, we arrange subjects that teach the four skills of "reading, writing, listening, and speaking" in a well-balanced manner.
  2. In addition to language communication skills, in order to improve cross-cultural understanding skills, students go to areas where their majoring language is spoken and arrange courses for practical and experiential learning.
  3. In order to deepen the understanding of the country or region where the major language is used, we set up courses to study the culture, history, and society of that country or region.
  4. In order to enhance the attitude and ability to tackle the challenges faced by the international community and the local community, we arrange seminar courses and courses for practical learning.

Through the acquisition of foreign languages and understanding of different cultures, Faculty of Language Studies aims to develop human resources who can deal with the various problems that arise in today's globalizing international society and who can communicate Japan to the world. .
Language acquisition is a process that takes a long time and effort. In order to achieve this while having fun, several conditions are necessary, such as comprehensive basic academic skills and general education, a willingness to learn independently, a positive attitude toward communication, curiosity about different languages and cultures, and a challenging spirit.
Through the above studies at high schools, etc., we seek applicants who have the following abilities and qualities.

  1. Willingness to learn proactively without sparing effort.
  2. Have curiosity and the courage to jump into the unknown world.
  3. Have the attitude and ability to enjoy communicating with people.

Three policies of the Department of Language Studies

The Department of Language Studies aims to acquire the major language in accordance with the purpose of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Furthermore, the aim is to develop human resources who can contribute to the international community as a global citizen who has acquired the ability to understand different cultures based on a deep understanding of the culture, history, and society of the region where the language is used.

The Department of Language Studies aims to develop human resources who have high operational ability and cross-cultural understanding ability of their major language and can contribute to the international community as a global citizen. A degree is awarded to those who have acquired the following abilities and have completed the prescribed credits.

  1. Can communicate in the major language.
  2. Has a wide range of education and knowledge necessary as a global citizen, and can explain it to others in an easy-to-understand manner.
  3. Can meet various challenges faced in modern society.
  4. Can collaborate with others in the global society and contribute to the development of a better society.

In order to acquire the skills required to be awarded a degree, Department of Language Studies divides its subjects into general education subjects and specialized subjects. General education subjects include liberal arts education subjects, first-year education subjects, Career-related courses, information education subjects, and foreign language education subjects, and organizes the curriculum according to the following policies.

  1. In order to improve practical ability in the major language, we offer specialized subjects that teach the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking in that language in a balanced manner.
  2. In order to enable students to acquire practical and experiential language skills and intercultural understanding, and to deepen their learning in regions where their major language is used, overseas training programs are included in specialized subjects.
  3. Liberal arts education and foreign language education courses are offered to enhance a wide range of basic knowledge about Japanese and global culture, history, and society.
  4. As a group of subjects to deepen your understanding of the countries and regions where the language of your major is used and learn about the culture, history, and society of those countries and regions, we will place global career, understanding of Japan and the region in the world, etc. as specialized subjects.
  5. In order to enhance the attitude and ability to tackle the challenges facing the international and local communities, Career-related courses and information education courses are offered, and practical training courses are included in first-year education courses and specialized courses.

Three policies of the Department of Global Japanese Studies

In the Department of Global Japanese Studies, students acquire practical language communication skills in line with the purpose of the Faculty of Language Studies, and master the basis for the ability to disseminate Japan to the world and global coexistence based on insights into the values and roles of Japan in the world. The purpose is to foster global citizens who can contribute to solving the problems of a global coexistence society by acquiring the ability to understand different cultures.

In the Department of Global Japanese Studies, students acquire the ability to disseminate Japan to the world and the ability to understand different cultures and coexist globally based on a deep understanding of Japan's values and roles from the perspective of "Japan in the world". We aim to develop human resources who can contribute to solving problems regarding Global Japanese Studies. The degree is awarded to those who have acquired the following abilities and have completed the prescribed credits.

  1. Has practical language communication skills.
  2. Has a deep understanding of different cultures and the ability to understand different cultures.
  3. Has an attitude and ability to tackle the challenges faced in various fields of Global Japanese Studies.
  4. Has a deep understanding of Japanese culture, history, society, etc. from an international perspective, and an attitude and ability to disseminate the values and roles of Japan to the world.
  5. Has an attitude and ability to contribute to a global coexistence society.

In order to acquire the abilities required for the award of a degree, the Department of Department of Global Japanese Studies divides its subjects into general education subjects and specialized subjects. General education subjects include liberal arts education subjects, first-year education subjects, Career-related courses, information education subjects, and foreign language education subjects, while specialized subjects include language subjects, collaborative subjects, and Department of Global Japanese Studies subjects. The curriculum is organized according to the following policies.

  1. In order to improve language communication skills and cross-cultural understanding abilities, foreign language education subjects will be included in the general education subjects, and language subjects, language and cultural training programs, and English practical subjects will be included in the specialized subjects.
  2. In order to enhance students' ability to understand different cultures and their attitude and ability to tackle problems, we have included first-year education subjects as general education subjects, and collaborative basic subjects as specialized subjects that provide students with opportunities to experience collaborative learning and interact with other students.
  3. In order to enhance students' attitude and ability to tackle issues related to international Japanese studies, collaborative development courses and graduation theses, which are courses in which students study individual themes in depth, are placed in specialized courses.
  4. Career-related courses and information education subjects will be included in the common education subjects in order to enhance the attitude and ability to tackle the various issues facing modern society.
  5. In order to increase basic knowledge of a wide range of topics related to culture, history, and society in Japan and around the world, liberal arts courses are included in the general education courses.
  6. From the perspective of ``Japan in the world,'' specialized subjects include introductory subjects for international Japanese studies, basic subjects for international Japanese studies, and subjects for learning about issues and solutions related to Japanese culture, history, and a global coexistence society. Arrange specialized development subjects.