
Frequently Asked Questions about Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Frequently Asked Questions about Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

We have summarized frequently asked questions such as deadlines, deliveries, and expenses.

This is a collection of frequently asked questions and answers regarding Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research. Please note that the rules may vary from campus to campus. Precautions regarding use are described in detail in the handling guidelines.

It can be used after April 1st. Please refer to the handling guidelines for precautions regarding use.

Both subsidies and funds can be used after April 4th. Please refer to the handling guidelines for precautions regarding use.

It depends on each campus. Please contact the secretariat in charge of scientific research expenses at your campus.

* No interest will be accrued on the Itabashi Campus. Please use according to the amount of direct expenses granted.

For items with equipment of 500,000 yen or more, it is necessary to estimate at least 3 companies. However, if the treatment differs depending on the usage rules of each campus, the usage rules of each campus will be applied.