
During my university years, I was able to devote myself completely to my workso that I had no time to spare.

Chikusui Canicom Co., Ltd. is attracting attention for its unrivaled product lineup and unique initiatives in riding mowers, forest work vehicles, etc. Yoshimitsu Kakoyuki, the current president of the company, was in his third year of work when he was entrusted with rebuilding the overseas business by his grandfather, the founder.

With the indomitable spirit honed in the swimming club during his university days and the natural cheerfulness that allows him to laugh and overcome difficulties, he opens up overseas markets, starting with North America. By promoting manufacturing that specializes in local industries, the company has raised its overseas sales ratio from around 5% at the beginning to nearly 60% today.

``No matter how old you are, even if you graduate, you'll still be studying,'' says Kaoyuki, who is a practitioner of reskilling. Before becoming president in 2015, he entered Graduate School and obtained an MBA (Master of Business Administration). We spoke to our senior, who won the Grand Prix at the "SMALL GIANTS AWARD 2022-2023" sponsored by Forbes JAPAN, which selects "small large companies" that Japan is proud of, and whose management skills are highly praised, about the path from his university days to the present day. received.

The senior's important roots were his four years in the swimming club. Here, he devoted himself to practicing every day, working hard with his friends.

From being a student to becoming a manager, asa senior looks back on

university student 夢中になれる

My university life got off to a rocky start. At the same time that my family business was experiencing financial difficulties, I attended university while taking advantage of the newspaper scholarship system.

Throughout the four years, I put all my energy into the swimming club activities. I have a fearless personality, so I was invited to join the club even though I couldn't swim, but I ended up working hard enough to compete in the individual medley.

I often tell my employees, ``Find something you can devote yourself to and forget about your time.'' If you have time to think about unnecessary things, you'll think too much, become anxious, and even lose confidence. Studying is just like sports. If you find an interest that you can immerse yourself in and study immersively, you will gain confidence, and that confidence will lead to your next action. Repeating this process will become a valuable asset in the form of experience and career.

Working Adults 「誰のために働きたいか」、

After graduating, I got a job at a major home improvement center. During my training period as a member of society, I was desperately trying to create opportunities for myself, hone my skills, and form my own opinions. Then, in his third year, he took over the family business in order to rebuild the overseas business. However, in order to take over, I felt that I had to be at the top in performance, so I was stationed in the United States on my own for six years, and before I knew it, I had developed a global market.

The reason we push forward with manufacturing is to support our customers, the users, but as we continue to do so, our desire to value our employees also grows. For students who are worried about not knowing their career aspirations, I think one way to clarify their career aspirations is to think about who they want to work for.

executive 社長を務めて実感した、

For example, the domestic market for agricultural machinery continues to decline. The main factors are a decrease in the number of employed people and advances in agricultural methods. With an eye to the future, and in order to produce human resources who can play an active role overseas, after becoming president, I steered the company's management toward overseas markets. On the other hand, we are also starting to support interesting agricultural practices that will help recover the domestic market, such as growing crops from Southeast Asia in areas of Japan where global warming is progressing. In the future, we plan to focus on developing human resources who can play an active role in the world.

What I realized while serving as company president is that position develops people. Any rough stone will shine if you polish it. And people can only improve themselves. We hope that you will experience a position where your leadership is required from your student days. There is no doubt that you can grow a lot as a person.

From senior to junior

have a spirit of challenge
I will support the students.

With our company's business performance increasing and employee morale increasing, we need young people to become the core of our company in the future. If you are even slightly interested, please come to the information session!

Established in 1948 as Hogyo Agricultural Tools Manufacturing Co., Ltd. A major domestic manufacturer that manufactures and sells industrial machinery (for agriculture, construction, forestry, etc.) and rough terrain transportation vehicles. Since 2006, we have expanded overseas, starting with North America, and have expanded our business to 13 locations in Japan and 53 countries around the world (as of 2022). We aim to become a "global small and medium-sized enterprise" with high international competitiveness under the vision of "Vision 300 (sales of 10 billion, transactions in 100 countries, 100-year company)".

Long time no see! Nice to meet you! Campus walk for seniors

I visited my alma mater for the first time in a while. Seniors walk around the campus, which is a mix of old and new buildings.

south gate 通学時に使っていたのは南門。


Choyukan Cafeteria Everything looks delicious! 蔦友館の学食を訪問。「ひさしぶりに食べたくなりますね」

Soratio Square 15th floor 恩師との再会で話に花が咲く。

Building 3 pool 懐かしのプール。「この景色と屋内の暑さ、全然変わってない!」

End of walk キャンパスを後にする先輩。「充実した時間になりました!」

It reminded me of my youth

nice to meet you! Teikyo University

We visited new facilities on Hachioji Campus that did not exist when we were students.

Soratio Square ソラティオスクエを見上げる。「存在感がすごいですね」

21st floor observation lounge 「こんな景色が広がっているなんて、はじめて知りました」

mock legal 法学部だった先輩。「いまはこんな設備が整ってるんですね」

CURIOSITY HALL キュリオシティホールを初訪問。「とても立派で驚きました」

From senior to junior

have a spirit of challenge
I will support the students.

With our company's business performance increasing and employee morale increasing, we need young people to become the core of our company in the future. If you are even slightly interested, please come to the information session!

Established in 1948 as Hogyo Agricultural Tools Manufacturing Co., Ltd. A major domestic manufacturer that manufactures and sells industrial machinery (for agriculture, construction, forestry, etc.) and rough terrain transportation vehicles. Since 2006, we have expanded overseas, starting with North America, and have expanded our business to 13 locations in Japan and 53 countries around the world (as of 2022). We aim to become a "global small and medium-sized enterprise" with high international competitiveness under the vision of "Vision 300 (sales of 10 billion, transactions in 100 countries, 100-year company)".